We have had lots of people who have expressed their sorrow at the passing of Daisy, but few words have been so poignant as these from Daisy's vet.

Dear Mr & Mrs McNicholas

"I would like to thank you for your kind words. It is good to know that our work and effort is appreciated, even if we cannot win all the battles. It really meant a lot to me.

Daisy was truly an 'exceptional' dog, and despite all the heartache it caused us to not being able to make her better,she always was an absolute pleasure to have around, she never complained once.

I have seen a lot of animals come and go, and have lost a few of my own animal friends as well. But I can say Daisy was very special and I know that she has left a big empty space that no other dog will be able to fill.

But I do hope that your sadness will ease with time and that you will only remember the good times.

We are all very sorry."

Best wishes

Ralf Konen  and all my staff